27 Nov 2006

The End of Heist 2

Heist 2 is over and a new challenge awaits you. For those of you who don't know, look at http://whatistheamazon.com. While progress has been quite good, you are missing something quite obvious. Unfortunately for you, I am not allowed to tell you what it is, besides, that would spoil the fun. Keep an eye out here for more tips.

Also, Hubert will soon be available for another interview. Leave your questions in the comments and I will see which ones the Directorate will allow me to ask him. There won't be any abrupt stops this time.

For now, think carefully...


Anonymous said...

Is the obvious thing about whatistheamazon.com that it's not part of any heist?

Anonymous said...

the obvious thing in this is, that someone is abusing MacHeist for their own goals and viral marketing campaign. That's the only thing I know so far...